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Last Voices on iTunes

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Three Days of Cultural Celebration and Pageantry

The CALL to CULTURE event includes:

The CALL to CULTURE Digital Community Platform
Available in seven languages this digital landscape will leverage social media tools allowing consumers from around the world to engage, converse and experience cultural diversity.

Live Concerts & Performances
The CALL to CULTURE concert series will feature contemporary stars performing alongside traditional musicians.

Cultural Discovery Documentaries & Feature Film
Continuing the tradition begun with Last Voices Founder Anthony Copping's critically acclaimed National Geographic documentary, Last Voices From Heaven, CALL to CULTURE will feature four new documentaries chronicling quests of cultural and musical discovery.

"The Making Of" Reality Series
The story behind the story of cultural discovery gives viewers and unprecedented look at how difficult, yet rewarding, finding and preserving the world's most remote cultures can be.

Panel Discussion Events & Keynote Presentations
There are, no doubt, many different points of view about cultural sustainability. Addressing a range of topics from the effects of westernization on fading cultures to climate change, CALL to CULTURE panels bring the leading minds together to examine the issues and set the agenda for the cultural sustainability movement.
